Desperate Measures (1998) Măsuri disperate

Desperate Measures (1998) Măsuri disperateRegizat de un expert in arta thriller-urilor, Barbet Schroeder, filmul Masuri disperate are un ritm nebunesc alimentat de o intriga originala, rasturnari spectaculoase de situatie si de o distributie in care exceleaza doi mari actori – Andy Garcia si Michael Keaton.

Politistul Frank Conner (Andy Garcia) al carui fiu bolnav de cancer are nevoie urgenta de un transplant de maduva, gaseste donatorul perfect in persoana lui Peter McCabe, un condamnat pe viata pentru crima (Michael Keaton), un tip extrem de periculos inzestrat cu un sarm malefic. In spital, detinutul scapa de sub escorta si orasul San Francisco intra in alerta de gradul zero. Stiind ca nu va fi ucis, deoarece pentru transplant este nevoie de el viu si nevatamat, sociopatul McCabe isi arata, odata ajuns in libertate, adevarata sa fata.

Pentru ca viata copilului sau depinde de viata ucigasului, Conner este prins la mijloc intre dragostea pentru fiul sau si datoria de politist. El va face insa tot ce-i sta in putinta pentru a-l prinde viu pe McCabe spre nemultumirea superiorilor sai. Scenele cu Garcia si Keaton fata in fata fac toti banii, disperarea tatalui fiind intr-un contrapunct tulburator cu extraordinarul cinism al criminalului.

One comment on “Desperate Measures (1998) Măsuri disperate

  1. Hi, How do I get my brother in law to move out of his sesitrs (my wife) house?My mother in law recently passed away and the house my brother in law wont move out of has been left to my wife in the will, her estate is currently in the hands of the executors.My wife and I have our own home, he has his own home but refuses to move out of his mums house, this is not down to a bond with his mothers house but due to the fact he has never had to stand on his own two feet and face reality, he’s 41 years old, up to his eyeballs in debt, had more chances in the world than most folk but blows it every time on his lifestyle (Cars, flights to London, various women) in the past he’s threatened to stab my pregnant wife in the neck, cut his mums head off and at least two women have had restraining orders taken out against him. (One woman ended up in a refuge)My wife and I would like advice on the best way to get this man out of there mums house.There is no mortgage on the property, his name is on electricity bill along with my wife’s.When he does work he works away 2 weeks at a time, off shore.Thanks folks

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